RE: n-sf: Nanotech-referincing games...

Christopher Chapman (cchapman@ag.Arizona.EDU)
Wed, 3 Sep 1997 12:33:35 -0700

Obsidian was the most amazing game I have yet played (though I've only = played a few), and was the first time I had heard of nanotechnology. I = just received my engineering B.S., and my wife said, "does that kind of = thing exist?" At first, I thought that they had completely made it up. = After a couple of weeks I decided to search the web for it, and I = stumbled onto Drexler and Merkle's sites. Within a couple of months I = had purchased and read most of Nanosystems, and I was convinced. Last = week I changed my major to Chemical Engineering (PhD), and plan to work = with molecular dynamics simulations of nanoparticles so that I'll be = ready for a career in nanotechnology if it is developed anytime soon. = And I have Obsidian to thank for it all.

From: 	Brett L. Milner[]
Sent: 	Tuesday, September 02, 1997 10:07 PM
Subject: 	n-sf: Nanotech-referincing games...

You may want to add to your list "Obsidian" by Segasoft = (
for the PC/Win95 platform.

The games' premise involves a high degree of nanotech. Definitely worth a review!

Brett L. Milner

"Fate is just the weight of circumstances" -N.P.