n-sf: Are You Listed?

Mon, 13 Oct 1997 05:39:27 -0400 (EDT)

Site traffic is so critically important, and as the web contact for

your domains, we wondered if you could forward this to the person in charge of site marketing and traffic building.

As a webmaster or webmarketer, you know that getting traffic from the search engines and directories is absolutely crucial to the success of your (or your client's) site. You have probably heard of submission services, and some of them area really great service .... but, as you may be aware, the search engines don't always process the submissions, and they also drop many sites that used to be listed out of the directories to keep the size of their database down, so you never can be sure if you have an active listing, till now.

So, we have launched a new service called did-it.com at http://www.did-it.com. The did-it.com Detective will check any URL to see if the URL is listed in the search engines, as well as the RANK for a particular key word. It then e-mails you a status report FREE OF CHARGE. If you find you're not listed, you can utilize our Did-it submission and monitoring service. What is unique about this service is that it will monitor the status of your site on all the popular search engines and automatically resubmit you wherever you're not listed. Today, that's the ONLY way you can be sure you get listed and stay listed, automatically.

Come take a look... http://www.did-it.com and use our detective service FREE!

BTW, If you like our service you can also become a did-it.com Partner. In exchange for putting a small icon next to a link to us, you will become eligible for did-it.com Partner benefits. Check out the partner program at: http://www.did-it.com/ click on the partner icon.

Thanks so much.

The did-it.com team.