We are Arvic Search Services Inc. We help individuals protect their rights to use unregistered, as well as registered, trademarks without incurring the cost of registration. Since 1982 we have grown to become one of the most dominant advocates of small business rights both on and off the Internet. We even teach you how to conduct your own trademark searches.
As a user of the Internet you are entitled to use your domain name, as your trademark, without fear of being sued. However, not everyone knows how. We have prepared an article titled "How to correctly use your domain name". We invite you to read it. You will find the article at;
If you are a small business person using the Internet to market your business and your products then perhaps you will be interested in reading the companion article on "How to use your Corporate or Product names as trademarks". You will find this article at;
If you are currently the owner of a trademark then you may find our article on "The do's and don'ts of Trademark use" of interest. You will find this article located at;
We believe it is in your best interest to learn as much as you can about trademarks, the rights of trademark owners and your rights as an Internet citizen. We invite you to visit our web sites. There you will find, in addition to the above, a number of guides and "How to" articles that should be of assistance. We invite you to call and discuss any trademark, trade name or domain name issues of concern to you.
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Victor G. Arcuri