Good point--from no names--just examples and concepts. The specifics might not
be correct.
A question for Tim R: Tim--you claimed you were sick of seeing Manipulation
101. Is that because it is not relevant to you?
Tad wrote:
>Where were we?... Yes, what do you think of the three axioms? Do you agree
>with me that the third axiom seems to be redundant?
>(I don't know why David R. is still not reacting to my question, busy
>fighting, or what?
Tad--I'll give a brief explanation and I'd be curious what the problem is.
Existence deals with the fact that things exist as opposed to not existing. It
IS. Identity deals with IN WHAT FORM that thing exists as. IT is. You exist and
you exist as something. You, like everything else that exists, exist. But, you
have a different identity than everything else. Does this make sense?