Re: virus: Manipulation 101, Lesson #17

Tim Rhodes (
Sat, 1 Mar 1997 13:01:01 -0800 (PST)

On 1 Mar 1997, David Rosdeitcher wrote:

> Currently, CoV is a sterile test-tube virus, which only attracts a
> certain type of intellectual. It is not in a form that can be marketed.
> (But that doesn't mean it can't be, if clever individuals with charisma
> enter CoV)

I take that as a personal attack!!! I'm clever and I've got charisma (I
do, I do!) and I've been marketing the hell out of Memetics. I just won
over a systems designer for Internet teach-at-home programs last night, as
a matter of fact.

> Objectivists are beginning to catch on to marketing as the
> way to spread ideas, which is why objectivism will take over the net and
> the rest of the world.

Because you guys are playing catch-up and we wrote the book? Good luck,
you'll need it! :)

Prof. Tim