Re: virus: Meme-Space Flexing, Lesson #1

Tim Rhodes (
Tue, 4 Mar 1997 20:41:10 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 3 Mar 1997, Tadeusz Niwinski wrote:

> Richard wrote:
> >Deliberately put yourself in uncomfortable situations in which nothing
> >you've learned your whole life helps you. (Note: this should not be
> >construed as an endorsement for marriage!)
> In other words: sell your house, quit your job, get a divorce and get rid of
> all the money you have.

But you forgot to tell him to give the money to ME not Richard. Richards
rich enough, I'm still strugglin', after all.

Other than that, I think you gave the /only/ possible way of reading what
Richard wrote. And quite objectively, to boot, I might add. Sure, some
might suggest things like moving to another country to escape political
persecution or maybe some other such silly thing as a growing, learning
experience, but your right. "Sell your house, quit your job, etc." Yep,
that's the only way to read "force yourself to grow".

Prof. Tim