Re: virus: God and Level-3

Tony Hindle (
Sun, 30 Mar 1997 04:13:44 +0100

Richard wrote
>One time, I asked her a question similar to the one David and I are
>discussing now. I asked, supposing, as we teach, that your experience of
>life depends upon your context (the set of all your memes, though we
>didn't call them that). Are you justified in adjusting your context,
>even if it doesn't match reality, just so that you can have a better
>experience of life? Just so you can feel better?
When you asked "are you justified" did you mean
"are you justified (within the philosophical position we are
teaching) in adjusting...?"

or did you mean "can you justify to yourself adjusting...?"

I like the second interpretion best because I think that is
the reflective question that she answered no to, and you (at least
you, today) would answer yes to.

David McFadzean wrote
>But... maybe we all go through life with varying amounts of self-deceit
>and the trick is really to minimize the level even though it may be
>impossible to reduce it to zero.
I think Dave that you do not accept that there will ever be
an occaision where adjusting your context, even if it doesnt fit
reality will ever make you feel better.
This makes me want to ask you this hypothetical question.
If it were True that adjusting your context, even if it didnt match
reality, caused you to have a better experience of life, caused you
to feel better..... would you?

Tony Hindle.