>Cybernetics and the philosophy of mind. - Kenneth M. Sayre. -
> London; Routledge and Kegan Paul [etc.], 1976.
Thanks. Here's what Amazon.com says:
Cybernetics and the philosophy of mind
by Kenneth M. Sayre
Unknown Binding, 265 pages
Published by Routledge and Kegan Paul
Dimensions: 23 cm.
ISBN: 0710083688
Availability: This item is out of print, but if you place an order we may be able
to find you a used copy within 2-6 months. We can't guarantee a specific condition,
binding, or edition.
>I tend not to believe in purpose at any level other than that
>of the individual, but I guess it could be a useful metaphor,
>to capture what is *in effect* more than blind chance.
Why do you believe it purpose at the level of the individual? Individuals are
just collections of smaller systems.
-- David McFadzean david@lucifer.com Memetic Engineer http://www.lucifer.com/~david/ Church of Virus http://www.lucifer.com/virus/