Re: virus: Question

Chitren Nursinghdass (
Fri, 06 Jun 1997 17:49:04 +0000

>>I do sometimes, but very rarely, because right now I'm on maths,
>>magic squares and how they pertain to the planets. At the same time
>>I'm working on a quantization of time as well as finding a mental
>>way of factoring large primesyaddahyaddahyaddahyaddah
>This would be funny if you didn't seem to mean some of it.
>I can only hope, for your sake, it's very, very little of it.

I do mean what I say. I do think there should be a simple way of
factoring large primes without having to wait for a quantum
computer to do it.

I've already learned how to find the answer to such equations
mentally :

(x+5 ) = (2x+3)
(4x+2) (2x+4)

It's easy when you know how. Note here that there's a special
property of the above equation that enables it to be solved this way,
otherwise we'd have to cross-multiply and expand and then solve.

Phew !

>Meanwhile, I'm going to give up on this exchange before
>I suffocate in bullshit.

Maybe you're choking on your own bile ?

>PS One last question: do you suffer from bipolar disorder?

Don't know what it is.

Would you care to explain when you manage to wade out of your
choking stuff ?
