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Here's a review of Douglas Rushkoff's new novel. I wrote it to be
posted to Amazon.com as a customer review, but I'm hoping to get it used
as official Amazon.comeditorial content. Take care, all. -KMO
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Received: by zephyr.amazon.com id LAA05349; Fri, 6 Jun 1997 11:59:13 -0700 (PDT)
Sender: kmo
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Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 11:59:11 -0700
From: KMO <kmo@amazon.com>
Organization: Amazon.com Books
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To: kmo <kmo@amazon.com>
CC: Douglas Rushkoff <rushkoff@interport.net>
Subject: revised review
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Have you ever looked at how the events in your life are unfolding and
discovered in yourself the unshakable conviction that there are no
coincidences? After reading "Ecstasy Club," you may look back on your
discovery of the book as an integral element in a larger pattern; a
pattern so seamless that you cannot see it as just an orderless
juxtaposition of "random events."
Rushkoff uses this tale of cyber-savvy twenty-somethings who commandeer
an abandoned piano factory and turn it into a wired commune and rave
cult headquarters as a vehicle for infecting the reader with a virulent
set of consciousness-transforming memes. It's okay if you don't know
what a meme is. You'll have an intuitive understanding after you've read
"Ecstasy Club."
Rushkoff doesn't stop to explain memes, the significance of novelty,
Ericksonian hypnosis, the attractor at the end of time, or really much
of anything. If you're already familiar with these concepts, you'll get
a warm self-satisfied glow as you think, "Nobody's going to get all
these references." If you're encountering these concepts for the first
time as you read "Ecstasy Club" you'll experience the electrifying
thrill of discovering that the world is a far stranger and more
wonderful place than you'd previously realized, and you'll think "Wow!"