I don't confuse, I find similarities.
If you are ocnfused, just change your terminology, call it
something appropriate, like meta-memes, or something not
appropriate, like say Cadillac, but in any case, you'll be using
memes to study memes.
>We can teach the use of a chainsaw to each other using
>natural language. So there must be more than a fleeting
>resemblance between the use of natural language, and
>the use of a chainsaw?
There are good memes and bad memes. There are good vehicles
and bad vehicles. Autocontradicto non perdurabo.
>This is actually a demonstration of the difference (or one
>of them) between formal and natural languages. Formal
>languages, related more-or-less closely to logic and
>mathematics, can generally be viewed as all one. But
>most of the meaning of natural languages relates to
>real-world practicalities like using chainsaws.
That's because of you interpretaion of the terms.
A BBL is a book is a table is a tabernacle is a church of churches in
a city on seven hills.
And it will be overturned when the time comes.
>If you seek understanding, the recognition of differences
>is neither more nor less important than the recognition of
>similarities. To neglect either is to lose the way.
Then study both.
Difference is but another realtionship between things.
Hebrew, Latin, Sankrit are natural languages that in their initial
forms are formal as well.
>>"formal" or "artificial" language, "natural" language, meme logic,
>What's "meme logic"?
Memes fuelling other memes in the same memeset, autocatalysis(like in the
formal imply symbol).
Incidentally "meme logic" can also be interpreted as "même logique"
meaning "same logic" in french.
>>All is one. When "artificial" is modelled on "natural", where is the
>>"artifice" ?
>In the modelling.
And when the modellign itself is modelled on natural ?
And so on ?