> I have your respect? How the heck did I manage that? Aren't you some
kind of high ranking official? *Do tell* why you are graced with the title
"Professor". That shows an element of studliness right there.
> I am happy to know we are on "good terms", although I think the previous
terms were pretty good in their own right. I would like to recommend a
movie (this is my offering to you as a symbol of mutual
respect) called, _LIVE NUDE GIRLS_ (got your attention, didn't I?). I
was watching cable at a
friend's house last night (which is a rare occurance because I have been
exceedingly disgusted with cable programming in the past) and I do not
know why, call it womanly instinct, but we were drawn to this movie. If
you get the chance to ever see this, and if I have enough of an influence
on you or anybody to see this *THEN* do me and yourself a favor. Watch it
all the way through no matter how bad it seems. I promise there is a
point. That's all I'm going to say. I am asking you to take
on a large responsibility as representative of the male perspective.
I could ask one of my fellow classmates. For some reason I don't think
they'd get it.
I must have missed the questionings of your sexuality.
So far, I have not sensed any homosexual vibes, not that there is
anything wrong with *that* (sorry, flashback of Seinfeld -note- I have
this problem with thinking that others understand my contextualized
sense of humor. I'm assuming you are smarter than *them*. End of
I have to admit I am curious how *that* idea arose.