virus: Dis-content

Reed Konsler (
Wed, 6 Aug 1997 10:14:57 -0400 (EDT)

>Date: Tue, 5 Aug 1997 09:43:33 -1000 (HST)
>From: (Tim Abbott)
>Reed Konsler writes:
>> >> I thought it was obvious. The media and the pattern are the only
>> >> significant things.
>> >> Content is irrelevant.
>> >And yet content determines viability.
>> Incorrect.
>> >The above is like saying the animal's environmental skills are irrelevant
>> >to the transmission of the gene, which determined those skills in the first
>> >place.
>> Exactly.
>I think you'd better justify the position you're holding, especially
>as it appears to be counter to the theory of natural selection.


Marshall McLuhan: "Media, The Extensions of Man", "The Medium is
the Massage", "The Gutenberg Galaxy"
Douglas Hofstadter: "Godel, Esher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid."
Elizabeth Eisenstein: "The Printing Press as an Agent of Change"
(this one is VERY academic, you have to really read it
carefully to see waht she is careful attention to her
introduction where she tells you WHY she wrote the book)
Richard Brodie: "Virus of the Mind"
Daniel Dennett: "Conciousness Explained", "The Intentional Stance"
and especially: "Darwin's Dangerous Idea"

I think the inconsistency is in your understanding of the concept

I hope you don't take offense at this analysis. I might be wrong.

Anyway, I don't have the time to do more, right now, than to point
to the books. I'll try to make the ideas more explict in the course of
the conversations. I agree that I haven't offered much proof, yet,
of my position and thus agree you are correct in your skepticism.

Frankly, I'm exstatic you're listening at all. I'll do my best over the
next few months. Time limits.

>> That was very well put, especially considering you apparently
>> don't agree with it at all. You must have some training as a lawyer,
>> and actor, or a scientist.
>Read the .sig

I don't, as a rule. Ah, I see. Don't confuse what someone does with what
they are. People follow complex paths. I have a co-worker in Organic
Chemistry who was formerly a ballet dancer in a premier French company
as a teenager. Her body gave out, she came home to the states and went to
college...ended up here with me. She calls herself a chemist...and in doing
so complexifes that word.


Reed Konsler