My posts aren't usually long...though they may be complicated, broad, wide,
or deep. The chess idea isn't bad (though I wonder what the *point* is--to
infect people with the memetic idea?). I think something along the lines of
"The Glass Bead Game" (from Herman Hesse's novel of the same game)
appropriately represents most (if not all) of the ideas of memetics--and
hasn't been invented yet.
The Glass Bead Game: Each bead represents a basic idea (meme). Groups of
beads represent complexes. An individual places a bead or
beads...representing a part of an overall "behavior" pattern, or context.
The next person places a bead within the pattern formed. A new concept is
implied. The first person is "infected"...he is influenced to behave by
adjusting the pattern using a meme (bead) of his own to influence the complex.
"The Glass Bead Game" isn't a pop icon like the chess game, so using these
ideas within the context of chess would cause it to spread faster. The
Glass Bead Game is a literary fiction and hasn't been implimented yet
(except as "pente" or "go" or "othello" or the like) but not with each
bead--or piece--representing an idea. So it's already been thought out,
etc. Sure, why not?
Rabble Sonnet Retort
Money is the root of all evil, and man needs roots