Re: virus: The other

William Roh (
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 10:44:07 -0800

Brett Lane Robertson wrote:
> >I try, as you have noticed, not to use absolutes. We all know that
> >absolutes are a faulty way of thinking. Marie, instead of saying "the
> >same" use the word "similar" and I'll bet most argument will fade.
> >
> >Brett, in his own wierd way, I think said the same thing below. (Sodom)
> List,
> Theories from physics (which I think Sodom is more familiar with than
> meta-physics) might apply to "spirit", "soul", "consciousness"...all we have
> to do is assume that these states are in some way material. What about
> "relativity" of consciousness (a place where e=mc^2 translates to "thought =
> being times consciousness squared") or an uncertainty theory of
> consciousness where "the subject and the thought cannot be determined at the
> same time"? Statements like "We all know that absolutes are a faulty way of
> thinking" make less sense to physicists when talking about laws like the
> second law of thermodynamics ("We can't use absolutes?") than when talking
> about the laws of individuals and groups. If we said that "e" *is similar*
> to mc^2--sometimes, depending on free choice, if god says so...(get my
> point?)--does that make the idea of relativity go away? Could we say that
> people are relative? Would this mean that they are all different? And
> where did the parinoia about "automotons" come from? I don't think Marie
> even mentioned lack of free choice (the one everyone seems to get frightened
> if you suggest). Philosophically, I would say we are all the same (not
> sometimes, not similar...). Anyone going to say that now (because I say so)
> we no longer have free-will? Be more creative!
> Brett
> Returning,
> rBERTS%n
> A big man has no time really to do anything but just sit and
> be big.
> Francis Scott Fitzgerald

I believe i understand your thoughts about absolutes, and i agree that
in mathematics absolutes are used. But we also need to remember that
mathematics and physics are not themselves the way the universe works,
but our description of how the universe works.

I would suggest that an automoton has no free will, that is where
free-will came in.

Also, i see no reason to assume, or even suggest that there is a 1 - 1
correlation between concepts of thought and concepts in physics, i
doubt, other than becasue you like it, there is any connection. your
idea of creative must be stick figures and box cars.

you mean a Big Man like, Teddy Rosevelt, Michael Jordan, or Napoelon or
Ceasar? get some better quotes.
