Re: virus: _____ of Virus

Tom Parsons (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:15:26 +1300

At 05:06 PM 11/24/97 -0700, you wrote:
>At 04:35 PM 11/24/97 +0000, Ken Kittlitz wrote:
>>At 03:30 PM 11/24/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>>If you have that much latitude, why do you choose to interpret my
>>>remarks such that you disagree with them?
>>What criteria should I have used to interpret them?
>I've found it useful and rewarding to interpret messages such that
>I would agree with them. Sometimes it takes more effort, and sometimes
>it leads to misinterpretation, but generally it is a good strategy.
>>Really, it wasn't a conscious choice as much as a reaction to how they
>>first struck me. I suppose I could have mulled them over, trying to figure
>>out what you really meant, or simply asked for clarification. But neither
>>action would have been necessary had you fleshed out your point more in the
>>first place.
>What criteria do *you* use to decide when enough is enough :)
>>>My point is that it is not necessarily stupid to advocate something that
>>>goes against some part of "human nature" (whatever that is).
>>Ah, now this I both understand and agree with. But I also agree with what
>>(I think) Tim P. was saying: that some parts of human nature are difficult
>>enough to fight against that your agenda might be better served by
>>leveraging off of or subverting them in some way than in opposing them
>Agreed, but not in this case. Consider:
>"Stop the violence or I'll kill you!"
>"Trust me when I say trust no-one."
>"God told me to tell you to question authority."
>It is of little use (other than maybe for humor and zen koans) to send a
>message that undermines itself.
>David McFadzean
>Memetic Engineer
>Church of Virus

Ken understands my intent.

Do the articles of faith and commitment I posted undermine themselves?
Only in the sense of fostering never-ending re-examination of beliefs - NOT
including the articles themselves.

I designed them to build on the foundation of the existing faith and
vocabulary of many already-religious people. Even fundamentalists would find
them merely incomplete, as opposed to incompatible with their beliefs. They
present a small and unsatisfying target for attack.

What they *should* undermine is beliefs that are inconsistent with a
rationalist worldview. Any system must begin with unprovables, and mine
hardly goes beyond 'cogito ergo sum', except for the assertion that 'sum'
because I was made by a higher power. This seems harmless (were we made by
ourselves? by a lower power? just happened? we're turtle poop?), considering
how much is gained by piggybacking on the preexisting emotional commitments
to such a belief, and the neutrality of a 'higher power' that comes without
the baggage of commandments to smite the enemy, etc..

But I'm leaning towards "Church of Perpetual Revelation", as having a better
acronym than CCR, which reminds me of an old rock group. CPR has nice
lifesaving associations.

Tom Parsons